A letter from TMS Athletic Coordinator Jon McClain
Dear TMS Parent/Guardian:
Welcome to Tennessee Middle School Athletics! Whether your family is new to our athletic family or a returning participant, we are happy you have chosen to be part of our Viking program. Viking athletics has a rich tradition of excellence!
At the middle school level, we continue to build on the fundamental skills of each sport and strive to grow and challenge each individual based on their unique skills and abilities. We teach our student-athletes the importance of discipline, commitment, accountability, responsibility, and teamwork. We hope their experiences at TMS will develop a passion and love for their sport(s) as they transition to Tennessee High School and beyond.
All required athletic participation forms will be completed online beginning with the 2023-2024 school year using a service called FinalForms. Please go to our Forms page to access the online site. No student will be allowed to participate in the first day of tryouts, practice, or games until ALL online forms have been submitted.
It is extremely important for you to attend parent meetings for every season in which your child participates in athletic events. Meeting times will be posted on the TMS website and TMS Facebook prior to the in-season sports starting competition.
Jon McClain
Athletic Coordinator
Email Me